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Where we are in Valencia

Map of Valencia showing where Pinedo isTo explain where we are in relation to the city I took a photo of this map yesterday, I’ve added a couple of arrows to show where the important parts are. It takes us about 35 minutes to cycle from Pinedo to Valencia.

One interesting thing about Valencia is that they moved the river (Turia) in the 1950s because it kept flooding - the old course of the river has been turned into a park that you can see on the map - that follows the path of the river. The park is at the level of the old river and therefore much lower than the rest of the city this makes it quite quiet. All of the bridges that crossed the original river are still in place so the park seems very detached from the rest of the city - which is nice.

Below is the Google Maps satellite view of our apartment - you can use it to zoom in and out and see the area around us - the beach is just to the right off the screen.

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