Sport is an obsession for Nicole (watching it at least) and she really enjoys both the winter and summer Olympics every two years.
Part of it is to support the German team, but mostly it is about the stories behind the people and understanding what this all means to them.
For the last winter Olympics that we were in the UK for - Nicole watched the German coverage on our TV but also had a laptop showing her the BBC interactive coverage so that she could see every event going on - and follow any news and updates in English and German from various websites.
This year is not so good though - although the first two channels in Spain have coverage all day of the Olympics - they are very focused on Spain - and keep reshowing their great moments - forgoing live action for endless repeats of cycling and other things they are good at. The have a web streaming service but mostly this just rebroadcasts what is on the TV - which is not really the point.
As we are in Spain the BBC and German internet streams are not available to us - so Nicole is coping with text based updates and the odd illegal feed over the internet.
However Gary has just said that he can do some technical jiggery-pokery and help Nicole watch the BBC coverage from here across the internet. Hooray for Gary - what a great and fine (if a little short) man he is.
It is Nicole’s birthday in a couple of days and this is the best present she could get at the moment!
Thanks to Gary!